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The weather can be a fantastic way to showcase exactly how good a property really is, an opportunity to present the place in a warm and inviting way, a house that impresses and makes the visitor want to own it. Here are some handy tips on how to make sure a property is appealing despite the greyness, rain or snow outside.

So, this week you've got several visits scheduled and Mother Nature has decided to dump several centimetres of rain (or snow) on the affair. Is your showing a total washout? not at all, bad weather can become an opportunity;

while the cold may keep some people away, it's best to look at it this way: those who go to see a property, despite the weather, are pretty serious about the possibility of purchasing it. Get ready:

A warm welcome

If the property has an open fireplace, having it on while people walk through is a great way to show that it's in working condition and gives viewers that warm, fuzzy feeling associated with winter days sitting by the fireplace with a good book. It also means that potential buyers will see that the home is in working form. The gutters are holding up to the rain, and there are no leaks through the doors, windows or roof.

A comforting drink

If the house is inhabited, functioning kitchen, organize a hot punch or cacao to be offered to potential buyers. The aroma of the drink will fill the place with a feeling of home and the detail will cause an excellent impression. Be sure to provide some water, as well, on a pretty water dispenser with a bit of lemon or lime in it.

Turn on the lights

A well-lit home is always much more appealing than a dark one. Even if there is plenty of natural light coming through the windows, having the lights on gives the home a sense of warmth, especially if it's wet and foggy outside. Make sure you leave the lights on outside as well.

Warmth is key

Ensure that the space is warm and inviting so that people want to come inside. Pop the heating on for a bit before the inspection time starts so the house feels cozy and welcoming. But remember to turn it off before people arrive, and don't go overboard. There may be quite a few people coming through the property and lots of people means lots of bodies - which means it can get a bit stuffy. The balance is exceptionally important.

Fresh air

Again, balance is key. If the rain doesn't come into the house, make sure you leave a couple of windows open. Closed windows and doors can cause odors to mill about, especially if there is a pet.

Functional Mats

Invest in a good, high-absorption door mat outside and consider a thin rug inside the door as well. This means there are two spots for potential buyers to wipe their feet, and it will keep people from trudging mud through the house. You can go one-step further if you like and request no shoes. If people don't feel comfortable taking off their shoes all together, consider providing disposable paper booties to go over them. A polite sign at the door is sufficient.


People may bring an umbrella when they come to the door, so pop a basket just outside the door if it's undercover, or just inside if it's not. Make sure to put an umbrella in the bucket already so people know what to do.

For the backyard, go out and buy a couple of nice umbrellas. Pop another basket just inside the back door and put the umbrellas in it. This means potential buyers can check out the backyard without getting drenched.


Regardless of what's happening outside, flowers inside always make the space feel homely and welcoming. There is no need to fill every room with blooms, just a big vase in the entrance (if there is one) and another in the main space of the house. Ask the florist to recommend flowers with a light and airy scent so the smell will be inviting as well.

And don't forget the front yard either. Curb appeal is just as important in the rain as it is when the sun is shining, if not more. Consider finding a nice flowering plant to plant in the garden, or if there's no grass out there, pop a flowering pot out front.

Wet weather sometimes means going that extra mile to make sure a home is presentable and appealing to potential buyers. But don't be discouraged by the rain. Always remember that those who step through the doors, despite the weather outside, are generally serious buyers!

Remember, if you are too busy or preparing these things is not your thing, reach out, I am a Home Stager and will gladly assist you! For mor info about me go to:

Based on the article “How to manage wet weather when you're having an open house“ by By Anne Grobler

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